The Rice and Pixel logo. A circular icon with block colours depicting a desert island with an Ampersand symbol sat under a palm tree with an orange sun setting against a yellow background with blue water in the foreground.
Rice & Pixel Digital experience design

A black and white photograph of some of the original Rice and Pixel team. The photograph was taken on our

I'm always on the lookout for opportunities to build relationships with interesting, innovative and ethical partners that allow me to produce work that challenge myself as a designer, illustrator, engineer and programmer - building on over 15 years experience working in the professional creative industry.

I focus on helping creative agencies produce breathtaking visuals, mind blowing interactive experiences and devilishly clever marketing campaigns for their clients. I also work with a number of brands on an independent basis.

So far I’ve been lucky enough to work with a wide range of high profile brand names, award winning creative agencies, cutting edge tech startups, small local independent businesses and traders in and around my home city of Bristol.

If you would like to discuss an idea with me or want to enquire about making a booking please fill in your details and message below, I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

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